Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Mr. Burns and Smithers

Adam at his desk/conference table
I have been teasing Adam about this for a while.  Currently we share space in the office - he sits at the big conference table/his desk.  I sit at the little table in the corner.  We are starting to resemble Mr. Burns and Smithers.

* In fairness, it's me who doesn't want to sit at the  big table.  Adam has offered to share, but I can't imagine staring directly at someone all day. 
My table/desk


  1. I am totally in agreeance with that. I bet if Finn saw he would agree to. but in my opinion i would rather sit at the smaller table than the big confrence table.

  2. That is an excellent point. I actually sort of like my little table - at least I get a view outside which is always good.
