Tuesday, February 28, 2012

James saves the day!

I don't think I've mentioned a ton about food yet.  Let's say this - there aren't a lot of frozen pizzas to be had.  Mostly, you need to:
  1. order and pick up food before 8:00 pm;
  2. take your chances with whatever the apartment bar is serving (for example: description is "ham" - what you get is a bit of ham, an undercooked egg, potato salad and a stack of raw onions); or
  3. God forbid, cook for yourself.
Since we often leave the office after 8:00 unfortunately option #3 is often what I'm left with.  Now, you all know that I lack in the culinary skills department so I did the only sensible thing and picked up some spaghetti and some sauce when shopping this weekend.  I very specifically chose the sauce in the can because it hadn't expired (trust me you learn to look).  So very smugly last night I headed home thinking I was going to make up a batch of spaghetti that I could have for a day or two.  Unfortunately, I realized all too late that my apartment was not equipped with a can opener.  So, I thought I'd open one of the beers Carol left for me only to discover that it also didn't have a bottle opener.  Foiled! 

Dismayed I emailed James about the cruel torture to leave beer without a way to actually open it.  He offered to walk one across the street, but by that time I had pulled out the crackers and couldn't be bothered with "cooking." 

So today, imagine my glee, when James walks back in from a meeting declaring he brought me a present when he went out. Possibly knowing I wasn't going to leave the office by 8:00 to get to the store or more likely so he didn't have to run one across the street - I was presented with my very own can opener with a bottle opener!  HOORAY!  James saves the day.  Although I suppose now I don't have an excuse not to cook.

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