Sunday, July 1, 2012

Election Day - Mongolian-style.

Many of you might know about the tradition of going bowling on Election Day - really it's because there is not much you can do except wait for the results to come in.  While were weren't actually campaigning for anyone or any party - we have been paying attention to the election for a couple of reasons.  First, during the campaign there was a whole lot of talk about limiting foreign investment (working with a foreign company making investments - you tend to pay attention).  And second, after the last election there was a bit of unrest (read: riot) where and I'm not kidding about this - people on horseback were shooting arrows at the parliament building.  Unfortunately in 2008, things got a bit out of control and five people were killed. So, let's be honest - there was a fair amount of angst about that.

The good news is that things went reasonably well and while there is some grumbling about the election results (which happens in lots of places) - things have remained calm.

A stable transition of government power shouldn't be taken lightly and it's something that I'm increasingly grateful for. But back to bowling....

When I brought it up - people thought I was nuts.  But by the time election day came - we even had the CEO (seen to the right) out with us bowling a few frames. 

Here is Oggi after getting yet another strike....  I think he might have spent some time practicing beforehand.  He ended up winning (he beat me by 3 pins).  At the party afterward, I told a great tale about being a good consultant and not getting those last three pins in the spirit of client relations.  Unfortunately, we all know that I'm way too competative for that - I just choked.  Bummer - but the story sounds a lot better.
Houston, Joe, Uyanga, Adam and Cameron
 After bowling, folks gathered at my place to watch the results.  Unfortunately the results never came...  chalk it up to a new system.  We were told at 8 that we'd have results at 9, at 9 that we'd have an update by 10:30, at 11:00 it was announced that we'd have something by 12:30... and so it went until 1:45 am - where we all gave up and finally got the initial results at 3:30 pm the next day.  Good times....

One of the most interesting twists to election day in Mongolia is that it's dry.  We had varied reports, but it seems there was a five day ban on liquor sales.  One day before and four days after.
Amar, Houston, Liv, Joe, Uyanga, Adam and Mark's back

Luckily for the team - I'm a good planner.  Maybe too good, because now I need to have a 4th of July party to get rid of some of my stock.

Happy, Stable Election Day!
Oggi, Adam, Lkhamaa, Liv and Joe
Huddled around waiting for results.

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